
HKUSTAA A1將於3月9日誠意呈獻由科大校友賈勝楓(Chemistry, 2007)導演的電影《流水落花》放映及導演分享會。






地點:奧海城2期The Sky 3號院

活動費用:會員港幣$140/ 非會員港幣$160

"Lost Love" Screening and Director Sharing


We invite you to a special movie screening of the renowned film "Lost Love" on 9 Mar directed by the talented Ka Sing-Fung. Follow the moving and inspiring journey of a mother who goes to great length to care for her children. Hope to see you there!


Date: 9 Mar

Time: 7:30 PM

Venue: House 3, The Sky, Olympic City 2

Ticket Price: HKD 140/member HKD 160/non-member



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